Friday, June 12, 2009

day 5: ... In the end of the process

The workshop now is soon finish. Each is working at a place where install outside her/his artwork. We are here in the park of the Birka Folkhögskola and we think distirbute some several spots between the park and the beach. I sent some weeks ago some announces in several mail list and now some journalists need to have some details about it. I think this workshop with this other workshop about geotagging too are introducing a way how to work with the art, the media and also how to raise questions about a eco-system art. I m thinking at this idea also and maybe because the new technology is often associated at the computer art directly. It s not art and science either here but more another way to cross tools and environnment. How environment and art can work and what we can realize without to speak only about a nature?

Day 5/dag 5: drift wood in blog ocean

While waiting for a change in things... electronics, minds, nature, apetite... i took a while to google the workshop and found two sites/blogs that announces about new media art events and artist, the first Networked Performance has this international call out on their blog: and annother i never saw beofre has different international calls for art workshops and related on GER GER Media Artists .

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 4 - Parabolic Antenna

We checked with each if the electronic work and how each want to organize this electronic with other material - sound message recorded, stone sound texture, led and noise, parabolic antenna..
I m working now at my own electronic element to install this parabolic antenn inside other material recycled like a half sphere ball, solar energy connection, and the global installation with the headphones or-and speaker.
I was thinking at a dirty beach to expose and do a short performance with some clothes and led connected too in my installation zone and work at this "warning zone".

Utomhustest / Out door test

Så här långt hade jag kommit igår. Stenarna har fått sina platser och blivit uppkopplade till en makapär som gör att man kan lyssna på deras tankar... Min väska/trädgård blir ett slags experimentellt laboratorium. Man sticker in händerna i de båda hålen och när man så rör vid stenarna kan man höra deras tankar i ett par hörlurar. Jag har även hittat en plats där jag ska placera konstverket. (För vernissagen på lördag.)
This is my work so far. The stones have been placed and are also wired to a machine-thingie that enables you to listen to their thoughts... My bag/garden will be kind of an experimental laboratory. You use the two holes formed by the handles and when the stones are touched you can listen to the thoughts in a couple of ear phones. I have also found a location for my art work. (For the exhibition Saturday.)
/Åsa Maria Hedberg.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 3 - dag 3, a blog, a week, a workshop

Day 3 of the workshop and many things progress but many things do not progress at same time. My garden is still in early conceptual stage... and so far I managed to solder one circuitboard and draw one sketch about the some physical placements of some objects in the soil. I think everything will work out fine though and there is still time... rain and a grey sky was making this wednesday a day when car batteries and other things worked as they use to in better weather.
Dag 3 på workshopen och många saker går framåt men många saker går inte framåt på samma gång. Min trädgård är fortfarande på ett tidigt konceptuellt stadium... och hittills har jag lött ett kretskort och gjort en sketch kring placeringen av några detaljer i jorden. Jag tror att allt kommer lösa sig och det finns fortfarande tid... regn och en grå himmel gjorde den här onsdagen till dag då bilbatterier och andra saker inte fungerade som de brukar i bättre väder.

/Björn Eriksson

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

dag 2 / day 2

jag hittade lite trä , kol , och sten mest , nu blev det lite blinkande ljus också , fick ihop det rätt fint.. bilder kommer sen.

I found some pieces of wood , coal and stones , now i did make some flashing lights also , got it quite nice , pictures will come later .

/ johan

Första dagens arbetskollega..

Efter viss förvirring och en hoppfull invitation i workshopen kändes det lugnande att träffa Snigel.....Nu vet jag hur jag går vidare..

Andra dagens arbete

Resultatet efter 2:a dagens vedermödor. Jag har lött ihop mitt livs första kretskort,
en ljuskänslig switch! och
skrivit min första blogginsats!


Ljudet av tänkande stenar / The sound of thinking stones...

Idag fortsätter vår workshop och jag arbetar vidare med min del av en portabel trädgård... Igår valde jag en av återvinningsväskorna som ska bli mitt konstverk. Då vi var nere vid stranden letade jag och hittade några stenar som verkligen såg ut att kunna tänka. Se den på bilden nedan! Den stenen har tänkt så den fått rynkor. Nu ska jag hjälpa den att komma till tals genom att koppla upp den med en förstärkare och två stycken piezos. Mycket kring det tekniska är nytt för mig - men jag lär mig efterhand. Idag har jag lött ihop förstärkarens kretskorts alla delar och monterat med piezos för att äntligen prova...

Today is the second day of our work shop and I am continuing with my part of a portable garden... Yesterday I choose one of the recycling bags to "frame" or continue my art work. Being at the beach I searched and found some small stones that really looked like the might be thinking. See image below! That stone has even got wrinkles from all the thought. Now I will try and help it to share it´s thougt/or be able to express something by wiring it up/connecting it to an amplifier and two piezos. Most of all this techical bits are new to me - but I learn as I go. Today I have soldered all the components for the amplifier and finally connected the piezos to try it...

/Åsa Maria Hedberg.

Day 1 - dag 1: Beach

Walk until the beach with recycle plastic bags red, green, blue,yellow. Tree, earth, steps, grass, water and insects..
I was focused about the insects hide in the roc and later how the ants work hardly in a big ill they build themselves. What sound produce a insect? What is the capacity to hide himself in the roc when a dangerous thing happen? How the insects resolve some emergent problems? How they move them?
I found many bottles of glass in the beach and also a bottle closed with a paper inside. My bag is as a bin.
/Nathalie Fougeras
My head in the bag!

Glasses, antenna we re ready for the workshop!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 1 - dag 1: Strandfynd

Just come back from a excursion at the beach of Storsjön just below the Birka folkhögskola. Marvellous finds, a sun shining through the clouds after rain almost all day and lots of ideas starting to sprout after talks with the other participants. In other words a good start of this first day of workshop. Now next step to start work with the electronics in combination with these beach and wood objects takes place. Guess it is a bit too early to say what/how my garden will work.
Kom precis tillbaka efter en exkursion ner till stranden av Storsjön just alldeles nedanför Birka folkhögskola. Otroliga fynd, en sol som tittar fram mellan molnen efter en annars mest regnig dag... och en massa idéer som börjar gro efter samtal med de andra deltagarna. Med andra ord en bra start på denna första dag av workshopen. Nu tar nästa steg vid att börja arbeta med elektroniken i kombination med strand och skogsfynden. Gissar att det är lite för tidigt att säga något om vad/hur min portabla trädgård kommer att te sig.

/Björn Eriksson
nu ska vi gå ut och leta saker i naturen som vi ska bygga våra installationer i våra fina säckar med
now we´re going out for looking after objects in the nature that we will be building our installations with in our nice bags
/ johan

Välkomna till kursbloggen

Hoppas att ni får en bra kursvecka
Hope you'll get a good week for the course
/Sven E Carlsson